Obtaining A Lean Manufacturing Certification: A Snapshot Guide

In today’s world, businesses face numerous challenges that threaten their profitability and competitiveness. To tackle these challenges, experts, managers, and HR organizations have devised principles and strategies aimed at improving company operations and earnings. One such strategy that is becoming increasingly popular is lean manufacturing.
While more and more companies are adopting lean manufacturing, many of them are failing to see the desired results because they are not properly implementing the techniques. According to industry experts, many companies adopting lean manufacturing principles are not seeing across-the-board progress and are failing to attain the efficiency improvements they strive for.
To address this problem, organizations and experts have created the Lean Manufacturing
Certification Program
This program categorizes companies based on their adherence to lean manufacturing principles and ensures that they are effectively implementing the techniques within their operations. The goal of this certification program is to ensure that the principles and goals of lean manufacturing are being met.
Ready to take the next step in lean manufacturing? Follow this easy checklist and gain certification quickly!
If a company answers positively to the following questions, it is likely to reap the benefits of lean manufacturing. If not, the company should consult with experts to determine if it is qualified for certification:
- Has your company achieved the performance improvements aimed for through Lean Manufacturing?
- Has your company successfully implemented the principles of Lean Manufacturing among its workers and introduced best practices?
- Is the organization’s design streamlined and efficient?
- Have the desired results from implementing Lean Manufacturing techniques been achieved?
- Is the company now benefiting from greater cost savings due to improved efficiencies and optimized operations?
Achieving Optimal Efficiency with Lean Manufacturing Certification Assessments
Organizations that embrace lean manufacturing practices are often assessed by recognized authorities to confirm they meet the qualifications needed to receive certification. A tailored scoring system is employed to gauge the companies’ performances and ensure they are meeting high standards and best practices.
This scoring system is similar to ISO, which has become a standard quality assurance gauge in businesses and manufacturing facilities worldwide. To assess the success of companies utilizing lean manufacturing principles, evaluators employ criteria that allow them to rate and assign scores accordingly.
In short, by getting certified, companies are better able to see where they need to make changes and have a more streamlined way of making money and being productive.
This snapshot article has provided a brief overview of the Lean Manufacturing Certification Program and how it can help companies achieve optimal efficiency and profitability. If you’re interested in learning more about how to implement lean manufacturing principles in your organization and maximize your profits, be sure to check out additional resources on the topic, such as this article.

About the Author
Liviu Prodan
Liviu is an experienced trainer and LifeHacker. He’s been living the ‘Corpo life’ for more than 15 years now and has been a business developer for more than 12 years. His experience brings a lot of relevancy to his space, which he shares on this blog. Now he pursue a career in the Continuous Improvement & Business Development field, as a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, a path that is coherent with his beliefs and gives him a lot of satisfaction.