How To Develop A Price Strategy For Marketing Success

A successful price strategy for marketing can be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful product launch. Knowing the right way to develop a pricing strategy for marketing can help you maximize success in this endeavor.
In this blog post, we’ll provide you with tips on how to develop a pricing strategy for marketing success. We’ll discuss how to set a competitive price point, how to use discounts to increase sales, and how to adjust your pricing strategy over time. By the end of this blog post, you’ll have a better understanding of how to develop a pricing strategy for marketing success.
1. What is price strategy?

Price strategy is the process of setting and adjusting prices in order to optimize sales, customer satisfaction, and profitability. The goal of a price strategy is to maximize revenues while still providing customers with an attractive value proposition.
What is the right price?

I’m daring to say the right price for success is the one that meets your goals and objectives.
To ensure a successful pricing strategy, you should set a target price based on a number of factors, including your market position, product or service quality, customer loyalty, and competitor pricing.
Setting the right price will allow you to maximize profit and increase sales.
The key to setting the right price is understanding your customer’s needs and being aware of their price sensitivities. I’m going to underscore this so important point: to set the right price, you need to have a clear understanding of your customer’s needs.
When setting prices, you should consider the customer’s perceived value of your product or service, your cost of production and delivery, and any discounts or promotions you may offer.
It is important to take into account not just the fixed costs associated with producing the product or service but also any variable costs that may be associated with it.

Economies of scale
Economies of scale refer to the idea that a company can reduce costs by increasing its production. This is because larger-scale operations benefit from advantages such as purchasing power, improved labor efficiency, and access to cheaper raw materials. In terms of marketing, economies of scale can be beneficial in setting prices. If a business can lower its cost of production, it can pass the savings on to customers in the form of lower prices.
Economy of scope
The economy of scope is an important concept in pricing strategy. It refers to the cost savings achieved when a company produces multiple products using the same resources. This strategy can be applied to many areas of a business such as production, distribution, and marketing. By taking advantage of economies of scope, companies can reduce costs and pass those savings on to customers through lower prices.
For example, if a company produces multiple products that use similar parts and processes, it can save money by buying in bulk, reducing overhead costs, and streamlining its supply chain. These cost savings can then be passed on to customers in the form of lower prices. Additionally, by offering multiple products, companies can also increase their overall sales volume and boost profits.
This can help you understand how a change in price will affect your profit margin.
2. The importance of price in the marketing mix
What is the marketing mix?

The marketing mix is a dynamic combination of factors used to promote a product or service. It includes the four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion. While each of these factors plays a significant role in a successful marketing strategy, price is often the most important element.
An effective pricing strategy can determine the success of a product or service and provide consumers with value for their money.
When setting prices, businesses have a few options to choose from. Economy pricing strategies focus on keeping costs low and offering the product at the lowest price possible.
Bundle pricing allows businesses to offer multiple products or services together at a discounted price.
No matter which pricing strategy a business chooses, it’s important to consider how it will fit into the overall marketing mix.
The pricing strategy should be consistent with the other elements of the marketing mix, such as the product or service itself and how it is promoted. Once all the pieces are in place, businesses can create an effective marketing mix that helps them reach their goals.
How to Use Price in the Marketing Mix

One of the first things to consider when using price in the marketing mix is the cost associated with production. You need to make sure you set a price that will cover your costs and still allow for a profit. This may mean looking at profit margins and determining what amount of return you need in order to continue operations.
Another important element to consider when using price in the marketing mix is market demand. If there is high demand for your product, you can increase the price in order to maximize profits.
On the other hand, if demand is low, you may have to adjust your pricing method and offer discounts or incentives in order to encourage sales.
Finally, it is important to consider the type of pricing strategy you choose.
There are various strategies, such as the skimming pricing strategy, penetration pricing, or bundle pricing.
Each strategy has its own benefits and drawbacks, depending on the industry and target audience.
It is important to consider all aspects of the pricing strategy before implementing it in the marketing mix. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular pricing strategies.
3. Pricing strategy options

When it comes to the marketing mix, price plays a major role. Knowing how to use the different pricing strategies correctly can be the difference between success and failure for your business. There are a few pricing strategies that are worth considering when it comes to your marketing strategy.
3.1. Premium pricing

Premium pricing is a pricing strategy that involves setting a high price for products or services. This is typically done when a company wants to be seen as a luxury brand and offers its customers the perception of higher-quality products or services. Premium pricing allows businesses to charge more than their competitors and differentiate their products from those of their competitors.
It’s important to note that premium pricing may not always result in increased sales or profits. For instance, if your target market is unwilling or unable to pay your high prices, then this may not be the right strategy for you.
You also have to make sure that the perceived value of your products is worth the premium price you are charging.
When using premium pricing, it’s important to offer customers something unique that they can’t get elsewhere. It could be extra features, better customer service, or something else that sets you apart from your competitors. By offering customers something special, you’ll be able to justify the higher price you are charging.
Overall, premium pricing can be a great way to set yourself apart from your competitors, but it may not always be the best choice for your business.
3.2. Economy Pricing

To keep prices low and still offer basic features and quality, economy pricing is the way to go. This involves lowering production costs in various ways, such as by using simpler materials or eliminating unnecessary extras.
Lean manufacturing techniques are great for achieving cost savings in this regard. Understanding your customers’ needs is of utmost importance when adopting this strategy; customers will look beyond price to things like value-added features or support services when deciding who to buy from.
If you manage to offer a good balance between price and value, customers will naturally be drawn towards purchasing your products, allowing you to compete with even larger businesses without compromising on either quality or service.
Therefore, economy pricing could turn out to be an invaluable sales booster for any business owner just starting out.
3.3. Fixed Percentage

This type of pricing involves setting a fixed percentage markup on all items in your product range. This allows you to maintain consistent margins throughout the sales process and make sure that your profits are kept steady.
If a product costs $10 to manufacture and the percentage markup is 30%, then you would sell the item for $13. This type of pricing method can be useful for businesses that have relatively simple cost structures and where goods are sold at similar volumes.
3.4. Discount Pricing Strategy

Offering discounts on certain products can be an effective way to increase sales and move stock quickly. Discounts can also help to create a sense of urgency with customers who may have been on the fence about purchasing a product.
As an example, many online retailers offer discounts in order to attract customers, while brick-and-mortar stores may use coupons or other offers to get people into the store and make a purchase.
Discount pricing strategies are not without their drawbacks, however. This strategy can be attractive to customers, but it can also take away from the perceived value of a product and lead customers to expect discounts on future purchases as well.
Despite the drawbacks associated with discounts, they can still be a powerful way to boost sales, particularly in difficult economic times.
3.5. Psychological Pricing

This involves pricing products slightly below what customers would normally expect. This pricing strategy is designed to entice customers and give them a sense of value, while also making them feel like they’re getting a great deal.
For instance, if a customer would normally expect to pay $99 for an item, psychological pricing encourages retailers to price it at $98.99. This seemingly small decrease in price is often enough to capture the attention of customers and encourage them to buy the product.
While this strategy is effective and beneficial for businesses, it can also be beneficial for customers, as they are more likely to take advantage of the lower prices being offered.
Customers are more likely to make a purchase when they perceive a good deal, which is why psychological pricing is so effective in today’s competitive markets.
3.6. Loss Leader Pricing

Loss leader pricing is a great option for businesses looking to bring in new customers and increase their market share. This pricing strategy involves setting the price of certain products or services below their cost so that you’re actually losing money on each sale.
The idea behind this strategy is that the customer will be so attracted by the low price that they’ll purchase additional items at a higher price.
Let’s suppose you own a restaurant and you want to increase business during lunch hours. You could offer a special “lunch combo” that includes an entree and a drink for only $5, which is actually below the cost of the two items. This will draw in new customers, who can then explore your other options.
The success of loss leader pricing depends on the attractiveness of the deal and how much additional profit you make from other items. It can be very effective, but it’s important to remember that you are losing money on the discounted item.
To ensure you don’t lose too much, you should have a good understanding of your cost structure and the likely amount of additional sales that will come with the deal.
3.7. Penetration Pricing

Penetration pricing is a pricing strategy used to attract customers and quickly gain market share by setting lower prices than those of competitors.
This strategy can be used when entering a new market, launching a new product, or trying to increase sales during slower months.
The idea behind penetration pricing is that businesses can build brand recognition and customer loyalty by offering products at a discounted rate.
For example, if you are entering a competitive market with your new product, you might decide to offer a lower introductory price for a limited time. This would help you gain an edge over your competition by allowing customers to try out your product at a lower cost.
Once customers get used to the lower price, they are less likely to switch back to the higher prices of your competitors.
This strategy works best when the company has deep pockets and can sustain the lower prices for a prolonged period of time.
It is also important to make sure that the prices are not so low that they are unsustainable and will cause losses in the long run.
3.8. Pricing Skimming

Pricing skimming is an attractive option for businesses that have a unique product or service that can command a higher price. It involves introducing a product at a high price and then gradually decreasing it over time.
This strategy works best when the initial demand for the product is high, since it allows companies to maximize their profits in the short term.
The downside is that you may miss out on potential sales from customers who are not willing to pay the premium price.
Pricing skimming requires careful consideration, as it can be a risky move. It’s important to ensure that the product is of good quality and can hold its value over time.
Otherwise, you may end up with unhappy customers who paid too much for something that is now outdated.
You also need to consider your competitors and make sure you don’t price yourself out of the market. It’s important to find the right balance between maximizing profits in the short term and ensuring long-term viability.
If you are considering using price skimming, it’s essential to have an understanding of your market, product, and customers.
Consider customer feedback to ensure that you are charging the right amount, and review your strategy periodically to make sure it is still effective.
3.9. Anchor Pricing

Anchor pricing is a strategy used to influence customers’ perceptions of the value of a product or service.
It involves setting a higher price for a product or service and then discounting it, making it appear like a better deal than it actually is. This strategy can be effective in situations where customers are unfamiliar with the market prices and in competitive markets where customers are likely to compare prices.
Let’s say you are selling an LCD that typically retails for $500. To use anchor pricing, you might set the original price at $700 and then offer a 10% discount. Now, your customers will perceive the discounted price of $630 as a great deal and may be more likely to purchase it than if you had listed it for $500 initially.
The key to using anchor pricing successfully is making sure that your original prices are realistic and reflect market values so that customers do not feel tricked or deceived by the strategy.
3.10. Bundle Pricing

This strategy is about offering customers a package of items at a reduced price.
You could offer a bundle of five items for the price of four. This type of pricing can be especially useful if you are looking to increase customer loyalty as well as drive up sales for a particular product or service.
A restaurant, for instance, could offer a bundle of five items (entree, side dish, drink, and two desserts) for the price of four. This type of pricing could be advantageous for the restaurant in a few ways. One thing it could do is make customers more loyal by making them want to come back and take advantage of the special offer.
Additionally, this could drive up sales for the restaurant since customers may be more likely to purchase all five items together as a bundle instead of individually.
This type of pricing strategy is a win-win for both customers and the restaurant, as customers save money by buying the bundle and the restaurant increases its profits.
With bundle pricing, customers are likely to feel like they’re getting better value for their money since they’re able to purchase several items at once at a discounted rate. This can also be an effective way to get customers to purchase more items than they would have otherwise, as they are given the opportunity to save money in the process.
Bundled pricing also makes customers more likely to buy things they might not have thought to buy otherwise.
By putting several products together in one package, customers are able to see how each item complements the other and may be more willing to buy the bundle than just one item. This can be a great way to cross-sell and upsell different products and services.
Finally, bundle pricing is beneficial for businesses because it makes it easier for customers to compare prices between different products or services.
Instead of having to compare individual item prices, customers can simply look at the overall price of the bundle. This makes it easier for them to make a decision and also ensures that your business is competitively priced.
3.11. Value Pricing

It’s a pricing strategy where you set a price based on the perceived value of your offering, rather than the cost. With this approach, you want to show customers how much they can gain from your product or service instead of just talking about the price.
If you’re selling a cleaning service, you might offer two options – a basic package at a lower cost, and a more premium package with additional services and features. This way, customers can choose the package that best suits their needs and budget.
Value pricing can be an effective way to convince customers that your product or service is worth the cost. It also provides flexibility in terms of pricing, so customers can get what they need without having to pay too much.
But it’s important to keep in mind that customers should always get more value than they pay for; otherwise, they won’t be convinced to buy.
3.12. Cost-Based Pricing

Cost-based pricing is quite a popular pricing strategy because it involves setting the price of a product or service based on the total cost of production and distribution. This method allows businesses to ensure that their products and services are priced correctly, with enough of a margin for profit.
It’s important to note that cost-based pricing does not take into account market trends or customer demand, so if you are using this strategy, you should pay attention to changing market conditions and customer feedback in order to adjust your prices accordingly.
The benefit of cost-based pricing is that it is simple to calculate, making it a straightforward and easy way to determine prices.
However, since this strategy does not factor in market demand or competition, it can make it difficult for businesses to remain competitive in the marketplace. It is best used in conjunction with other pricing strategies, such as promotional or bundle pricing, to ensure that you are still offering competitive prices.
4. How to find the right price

As a business owner just starting out, determining an appropriate price to maximize your success can be quite challenging. Many variables need to be taken into account, such as who your intended customers are, the demand for what you have to offer, and how competitive the marketplace is.
Here are some tips for finding the best pricing strategy for your business:
a. Research the Market
Knowing what your competitors are charging for similar products or services is an important step in finding the right price. Look at the prices charged by direct and indirect competitors. This will help you understand what customers are used to paying for similar goods or services. Is sufficient to fulfill the table below to have a perspective on what’s going on in the market and where you should focus your “laser.”

b. Analyze Your Costs
Calculate your total costs of production, including materials, labor, overhead, and other expenses that go into producing and delivering your product or service. Factor in any discounts, promotional offers, and payment terms that you may need to offer to customers. This will help you determine a price point that allows you to turn a profit.
c. Test Out Different Prices
Once you have a good idea of what customers are willing to pay and your costs, test out different prices. Try offering a few different prices and tracking customer responses. This will help you determine what price points yield the most success.
d. Adjust Over Time
Prices should not be set in stone. Reevaluate the market and adjust accordingly over time. Consider implementing seasonal pricing if it makes sense for your business. Keep up with industry trends and customer demand to make sure you’re offering competitive rates.
5. When to change prices

Knowing when to change prices is just as important as setting them in the first place.
When it comes to changing prices, there are a few key times to keep in mind:
a. When You Have New Competitors
If a new competitor enters the market or your industry undergoes a shift, then you should consider adjusting your prices accordingly. This can help you stay competitive and maintain your margins.
To clarify this point a little bit more, I have provided an easy-to-follow example of pricing competitor analysis. See the attachment below for details!

b. When Your Costs Increase
If your production costs increase, you may need to adjust your prices to make sure you’re still profitable. Keep track of changes in material and labor costs, as well as any increases in taxes and fees.
c. When Your Quality Improves
If you make improvements to your product or service, you should raise your prices to reflect the improved value you’re delivering.
d. When Demand Increases
If demand for your products or services rises significantly, you may be able to increase your prices slightly to capitalize on this increased demand.
e. When You Find Ways to Streamline Production
If you find ways to improve your production process and lower costs, you could consider passing some of these savings onto customers by lowering prices.
Changing prices can be a tricky business decision, but if you know when and how to do it properly, it can be an effective way to increase profits and stay competitive in your industry.
6. How to know if your prices are too high or too low

Knowing whether or not your prices are too high or too low is an essential part of creating a successful pricing strategy. If your prices are too high, you risk customers being unwilling to pay the extra costs associated with your products and services, leading to fewer sales.
On the other hand, if your prices are too low, you could be sacrificing potential profits.
To get a better understanding of whether your prices are too high or too low, it’s important to consider the following factors:
a. Your competitors
Take a look at your competitors’ pricing strategies and consider whether yours is in line with them. If your prices are significantly higher or lower, it might be a sign that they need to be adjusted.
b. Your target market
Are the prices you’re setting reasonable for the target market you’re trying to reach?
Consider the value of your products and services in comparison to what your target market is willing to pay.
c. The cost of production
Are your prices based on the cost of production? Keeping production costs in mind can help you determine a reasonable price range.
d. Your customer feedback
Ask your customers for feedback on your prices. This can give you valuable insight into how they perceive your pricing structure and whether they think it’s fair.
While there isn’t a single answer that works for every business, keeping these considerations in mind can help you refine your pricing strategy for maximum success.
7. The three C’s of pricing

How to Price Your Product Using the Three C’s
When pricing a product, it’s essential to consider the three C’s: cost, customer, and competition. Each of these elements must be taken into account to ensure you’re setting a price that is both profitable and attractive to customers.
7.1. Cost – what does it cost you to make your product?
Before you can set the price of your product, you need to have a clear understanding of its cost structure. This means looking at your production costs, labor costs, material costs, and any other expenses associated with producing the product.
You should also consider the cost of any marketing or advertising you plan to do in order to help promote your product.
Understanding the full cost of production will ensure that you are able to set a price that covers all of your costs and leaves you with a reasonable profit.
It is important to note that your cost of production may not be your final retail price – you will likely still have to factor in pricing strategy, customer demand, and the competition into your final price.
7.2. Competition – what are other similar products selling for?

When pricing your product, it is important to consider the competition. What do other similar products sell for? Are there any major price differences between competitors?
For an online business, you can find out what your competitors are charging by searching online. Look up your product on various websites and see what other companies are charging for the same item. It may also be helpful to check out their promotional materials to determine if they have any special offers or discounts that could impact the price.
For online businesses, you need to do a competitive analysis by utilizing specific methods and using other open-source intelligence (OSINT) and human intelligence (HUMINT) as well. I will write a special article about this subject because it is so important and has so many specifics.
7.3. Customer – who is your target customer and what are they willing to pay?

When considering your target customer, ask yourself questions like: What do they value? What type of lifestyle do they lead? Are they looking for luxury or convenience? If you know the answers to these questions, you’ll be able to set a price that your target customer can afford.
In addition to understanding your target customer’s preferences, you should also consider what they’re willing to pay. Are they bargain shoppers, looking for the lowest price possible? Or are they willing to pay a premium for a product that offers better features or higher quality?
Answering these questions will give you insight into what your target customer is likely to pay for your product.
8. Key Takeaways
- To set an accurate price, you need to understand your customer’s needs and make a good competitive analysis.
- Adapt your strategy by taking into consideration your business model and your objectives.
You may use a competitive pricing strategy, a penetration pricing strategy, or other pricing strategies. If you want to keep your prices low and undercut competitors, you may use a competitive pricing strategy. Want to grab a large portion of the market quickly?
Leverage penetration pricing and set your prices at lower rates than those of your competitors.
Also, take into consideration that dynamic pricing adjusts the price of goods and services.
A cost-plus pricing strategy may work well for some items, whereas a premium pricing strategy could be beneficial for others.
Alternatively, some businesses may benefit from using a price-skimming strategy or a value-based pricing strategy.
9. Conclusion
An integral component of any flourishing marketing plan is a suitable pricing strategy. With appropriate strategies, you can make sure that your prices are competitive, your profits are long-term, and your customers are pleased.
By evaluating the three C’s of pricing, taking into account customer desires, and fixing prices in accordance with the market, you can form a pricing strategy that will guide you to victory. Remind yourself to stay aware of the competition and carry on inspecting your pricing strategy to ensure that it is working well for your business.

About the Author
Liviu Prodan
Liviu is an experienced trainer and LifeHacker. He’s been living the ‘Corpo life’ for more than 15 years now and has been a business developer for more than 12 years. His experience brings a lot of relevancy to his space, which he shares on this blog. Now he pursue a career in the Continuous Improvement & Business Development field, as a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, a path that is coherent with his beliefs and gives him a lot of satisfaction.